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Developer Documentation

The w3CloudCRM API streamlines the integration of our EDI (electronic data interchange) so that we can easily and securely communicate between our two technological environments.


Product sellers are required to interact with manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, distributors, shippers and potentially others throughout the lifecycle of a succesful order. w3 offers several public Application Program Interfaces (API's) to empower our clients with the tools they need to accept orders in a standardardized format (EDI) or a non-standard format requiring software customization. Buyers may order via eCommerce website, w3CloudCRM register, or via sending request to the below API.



  • Seller = Selling products via a website (eCommerce) and also accepting orders from retailers.
  • Reseller = Reselling products to customers.
  • Distributor = Seller utilizes Distributor to get products to Reseller.
  • Manufacturer = Seller utilizes Manufacturer to create product.


  1. Reseller submits an order to Seller using their software of choice. Ex. Grocery store gets low on stock of Seller's product and orders more to replenish thier inventory.
  2. Seller receives order via w3's Order API which automatically adds order to w3CloudCRM's database and notifies Seller's order processing team.
  3. Seller may utilize API to send applicable products within order to a Distributor.
  4. Seller may utilize API to send request to Manufacturer for additional product.

RESTful Implementation

The w3 Order service is a RESTful web service, which uses the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) method of encoding data for transmission via the HTTP network protocol. Most programming languages have libraries to convert an arbitrary object to and from a JSON data transfer encoding. All properties must be encoded as US ASCII strings. Please contact a nerd at w3 for implementation assistance.

Responses are returned in JSON objects. See Service Endpoints below for detailed information on the supported request types and corresponding responses.


Integrating with the Order API requires:

  • An application(Reseller's ordering software), which calls the service endpoints via HTTPS.
  • An active w3CloudCRM subscription with the associated modules activated and configured.
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Service Endpoints


The receiveOrder endpoint accepts an order and returns confirmation with order number.

Endpoint URL

The URL for the receiveOrder endpoint is:

Request Header

The following key/value pairs are required in the request header.

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization The w3 Authorization Key (provided by w3)
Request Parameters

Fields in red are required.

Field Description
billingAddress The mailing address associated with the payment method. It has the following properties:

address1: The street address of the billing address.
address2: An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address.
city: The city, town, or village of the billing address.
company: The company of the person associated with the billing address.
country: The name of the country of the billing address.
country_code: The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the billing address.
first_name: The first name of the person associated with the payment method.
last_name: The last name of the person associated with the payment method.
latitude: The latitude of the billing address.
longitude: The longitude of the billing address.
name: The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
phone: The phone number at the billing address.
province: The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the billing address.
province_code: The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the billing address.
zip: The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the billing address.
billMeLater true/false
chargeBankAccount true/false
chargeCardOnFile true/false
email The purchaser's email address.
orderNote The note associated with the order. (optional)
products A list of product objects, each containing information about each product in the order. Each object has the following properties:

quantity: the count of product.
productId: The ID of the product. (required for response to include pricing)
title: The title of the product.
partnerId Required for all requests. (Found in w3CloudCRM)
phone The buyer's phone number.
shippingAddress address1: The street address of the shipping address.
address2: An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.
city: The city, town, or village of the shipping address.
company: The company of the person associated with the shipping address.
country: The name of the country of the shipping address.
country_code: The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.
first_name: The first name of the person associated with the shipping address.
last_name: The last name of the person associated with the shipping address.
latitude: The latitude of the shipping address.
longitude: The longitude of the shipping address.
name: The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
phone: The phone number at the shipping address.
province: The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the shipping address.
province_code: The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.
zip: The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address.
Response Parameters

Fields in red are required.

Field Description
currency The three-letter currency code (ISO 4217 format). Currently all orders must be in USD.
orderNumber w3CloudCRM's unique order number associated with new order.
orderStatus Current status of order.
orderStatusUrl The URL pointing to the order status web page. If balance due, payment may be made on this page.
shippingAmount The amount of shipping in order currency. Must be positive.
subtotalPrice The sum of all line item prices in the order currency. Must be positive.
taxAmount The amount of tax in order currency. Must be positive.
totalWeight The sum of all line item weights in grams.
totalPrice The sum of subtotal, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the order currency. Must be positive.


The listProducts endpoint returns a list of available products including productId, productPrice, productTitle.

Endpoint URL

The URL for the receiveOrder endpoint is:

Request Header

The following key/value pairs are required in the request header.

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization The w3 Authorization Key (provided by w3)